Frequently Asked Questions

Can’t find answers and still have specific questions? please reach out to us here:

What is GoWagr?

GoWagr helps you safely and securely make informal wagers with your friends or anyone on your opinions, events, gaming skills, or anything at all. Make customized wagers on your own terms without having to worry about fraud or the other party not fulfilling the wager commitment.

What is the Minimum amount to create a contest?

You can create a contest with as little as $1

What kind of contest can be created?

You can create the Manager(s) of the week (based on who gets the highest point in a GW) or Manager of the season(Based on who gets the highest point in the season)

Who can I invite to my contest?

Since you can only create a contest based on the leagues you are a participant of on FPL, only managers in the league you are creating a contest for can join.

How does GoWagr know who wins the FPL contest?

Since your FPL account is connected to GoWagr, we are able to fetech points information from EPL

What happens if multiple managers get the same points?

The captain points are used to determine, and when the captain points are the same too, we use the vice captain points, if the vice captain points happens to be the same still, the money is splitted equally for the managers with the same points.